IMSEC Ghaziabad stands as a premier institution among Engineering colleges in North India, distinguished for its commitment to delivering high-quality technical and management education and ensuring 100% employability for its students. The Institution's stellar achievements underscore its dedication to academic and research excellence. According to the Times Engineering Institute Ranking Survey 2023, IMSEC secures impressive positions, ranking 4th in the Northern Region, 13th among the Top 70 Private Institutes for Placement, 16th among the Top 125 Private Engineering Institutes, 18th among the Top 170 Engineering Institutes and 19th among the Top 30 Institutes for Research Capability.
Recognized for its innovation, the institution has been awarded a 4-star rating by the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, and positioned within the band of 151-300 in the Innovation category by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), India Ranking 2023. Additionally, IMSEC secured a AAA+ rating in India’s Best Engineering Colleges, North Zone, as per the Careers 360 Engineering College Survey 2023. Further solidifying its standing,


IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabd, India and The Modern Technology and Management Institute (MTMI), USA invites papers for its 2025 Annual Conference namely "International Conference on Advancements in Interdisciplinary Research and Development 2025 (ICAIRD2025)" to be held on July 11-12, 2025 at IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India, in hybrid mode . The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE, UP Section and by the Department of Business Management of University of Maryland Eastern Shore and Department of Management, Frostburg State University, USA.The conference will provide an opportunity for participants to share and discuss their ideas and strategies for developing effective and efficient global entities. The conference will host tracks on all related areas of Computer Science and Engineering, Business, Technology, and Applied Sciences.
Key Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: February 15, 2025
  • Final paper submission deadline: March 15, 2025
  • Registration deadline: March 31, 2025

March 08-09




Registration for ICAIRD March 8-9, 2025

Submit Your Contribution Work

You've inspired new consumer, racked up click-thru's, blown-up brand awareness. We can't give you back the weekends you worked, or erase the pain of being forced to make the logo bigger. But if you submit your best work.


Event Schedule


Welcome and intro

Mustafizur Khan, SD Asia


Tips and share

Mustafizur Khan, SD Asia


View from the top

Mustafizur Khan, SD Asia


Chief Patrons
Shri Naresh Agarwal, Chairman, IMS Society, India
Dr. Kamal Nayan Agarwal, Chairman, MTMI, and Professor, Howard University, USA

Prof. (Dr.) J.P. Pandey, Vice Chancellor, Dr.  A.P.J.A. K. Tech. University, Lucknow, India
Shri Sanjay Agarwal, Treasurer, IMS Society, India

Conference Chair
Prof. (Dr.) Shailesh Tiwari, Director, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India

Organizing Chair
Dr. S.N. Rajan, Professor & Dean(Academic),IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Technical Chair
Prof. (Dr.) Priyanka Bharadwaj, Professor & Dean(R&D), IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India 

Technical Program Co- Chair
Dr. Sonali Mathur, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Track Chair
Dr. Prabhat Srivastava, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Publication Chair
Dr. Sonia Juneja, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Track Co-Chair
Dr. Amit Sharma, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Conference Secretary
Dr. Nizamuddin Khan,IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Monalisa Panigrahi, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Organizing Committee Co-Chair
Dr. Nikhil Kawatra, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Prof. Nishant Anand, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Suraj, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Track Secretary
Dr. Kavita Saxena, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Prof. Meenu Sharma, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India 
Prof. Atul Kumar, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

Sponsorship Committee
Dr. Siby James, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Mr. Anurag Agarwal, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India

International Advisory Committee
Dr. Prof. J. Ram Kumar , IIT Kanpur, India
Dr. Satish K. Singh, IIIT, Allahabad, India
Dr. Asheesh K. Singh, MNNIT Allahabad, India
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh, IIT, BHU, India
Dr. Michael Monahan, Frostburg State University, USA 
Dr. Charles Chekwa, Troy University, USA 
Dr. Daniel Okunbor, Fayetteville University, USA 
Dr. Ayodele J. Alade, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA 
Dr. Kate Brown, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA 
Dr. Indurlall Fagoonee, Ex. Vice Chancellor, University of Mauritius, Mauritius 
Dr. Siva Prasad Ravi, Nipissing University, Canada 
Dr. R. D. Pathak, University of the South Pacific, Fiji 
Dr. Rajni Goel, Howard University, USA 
Dr. Balbinder Singh Deo, The University of Northern British Columbia, Canada 
Dr. Saed T. Amer, Khalifa University, UAE 
Dr. Aaron Rababaah, American University of Kuwait, Kuwait 
Dr. Tosaporn Mahamud, Kasembundit University, Thailand
Dr. A K Verma, Western Norway University of Applied Science, Haugesand, Norway 
Dr. Ashok Kumar, Kentucky State University, USA 
Dr. Assad Tavakoli, Fayetteville State University, USA
Dr. G S Hura, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA
Dr. Mario Jose Divan, Divsar, Argentina
Dr. Masoud Mohammadian, University of Canberra, Australia
Dr. Sally Sledge, Norfolk State University, USA 
Dr. Uday Kumar, Lulea University, Sweden 
Dr. V S S Yadavalli, University of Pretoria, South Africa 
Dr. Yuri S. Klochkov, St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA

National Advisory Committee
Dr. Munesh Kumar, NIT Itanagar, India
Dr. Jai Singh, GL Bajaj Group of Institution, Greater Noida, India
Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. V. B. Singh, JNU, New Delhi, India
Dr. Sunand Kumar, NIT, Hamirpur, India 
Dr. D. K. Lobiyal, JNU, New Delhi, India
Dr. Madhu Jain, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India 
Dr. P.K. Gupta, Ex. Professor, Devi Ahilya University, India 
Dr. P. C. Jha, University of Delhi, Delhi, India 
Dr. H.S. Hota, Atal Bihari Vajpayee University, India 
Dr. Munesh C. Trivedi , NIT Agartala, Tripura
Dr. H. D. Arora, AIAS, Amity University, Noida, India
Dr. Anu Gupta Aggarwal, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Dr. C K Jaggi, University of Delhi, Delhi, India  
Dr. Karan Singh, JNU, New Delhi, India
Dr. Ompal Singh, University of Delhi, Delhi, India 
Dr. P V Varde, BARC, Mumbai, India
Dr. Pradeep Kumar, GBU, Greater Noida, India
Dr. Priya Ranjan, BIT, Bhubaneswar, India
Dr. Peeyush Tewari, BIT, Mesra (Noida Campus), India 
Dr. R K Vyas, CSI, India, 
Dr. Sudhanshu Agarwal, Asst. Director, INSA, New Delhi, India
Dr. Tamanna Siddiqui, AMU, India
Dr. Viral Gupta, Nagarro, India
Dr. Sameer Anand, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Dr. Abhishek Tandon, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Dr. Prem Kumar Singh, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, India 

Technical Program Committee
Dr. Savita Aggarwal, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Kushwaha, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Ajay Kumar Gangwar, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Mr. R.K. Singh, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Indu Bhatt, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Suraj Chaudhary, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Abhayanand , IIMT, Greater Noida
Dr. Abhishek Srivastava , Amity University, Noida
Dr. Adarsh Anand , University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. Amit Gupta , MAIT, Delhi
Dr. B. B. Sagar , BIT, Mesra, Noida Campus, India
Dr. Deepshikha Bhargava , UPES, Dehradun, India
Dr. Sonali Vyas, UPES, Dehradun, India
Dr. K. K. Chaturvedi , ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi
Dr. Komal Saxsena , AIIT, AUUP,Noida
Dr. Loveleen Gaur , Amity University, Noida, India
Dr. M U Bokhari , AMU Aligarh
Dr. Mandeep Mittal , AIAS, Delhi
Dr. Marjit Singh, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, A. P. India
Dr. Naresh Kumar, Galgotias University Greater Noida, India
Dr. Priti Narwal , MRIU, Faridabad
Dr. Purushottam Sharma , ASET, Amity University, Noida, India
Dr. Rana Mazumdar , Swami Vivekananda University, Kolkota, India
Dr. S K Muttoo , University of Delhi, India
Dr. Sangeeta Yadav , J P University, Noida
Dr. Tanupriya Choudhury, UPES, Dehradun, India
Dr. Vijay Kumar, AIAS, AUUP, India
Dr. Vinod Shukla, Amity University, Dubai
Dr. Reeta Devi, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India
Dr. Avinash K Shrivastava, IMI, Kolkata, India
Dr. Manish Kumar Saini

Organising Committee 
Dr. Dinesh K Sharma, Professor, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA
Dr. Vivek Pandey, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Mishra, IIT-ISM Dhanbad
Dr. Shomini Parashar, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Subhash Mishra, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Milan Chakraborty, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Sachi Singh, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Mr. N.U. Khan, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Mr. Vipin Sharma, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Mr. Manoj Singh, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India
Dr. Vijay Kumar, IMSEC, Ghaziabad, India 
Dr. Michael Monahan, Frostburg State University, USA 
Dr. Emilyn Cabanda, Regent University, USA 
Dr. Amit Shah, Frostburg State University, USA 
Dr. Monisha Das, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA 
Dr. Albert Y. Chi, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA 
Dr. Daniel N. Owunwanne, Howard University, 
Dr. Akins Ogungbure, Troy University, USA 
Dr. Debra Hunter, Troy University, USA 
Dr. Young B. Choi, Regent University, USA 
Dr. Ragni Shukla, Dr. C. V. Raman University, India 
Dr. Abhishek Tandon, University of DelhI, India
Dr. Adarsh Anand, University of DelhI, India 
Dr. Arun Solanki, GBU, Greater Noida, India  
Dr. Anurag Shashwat, Fidelity, India,
Dr. Buran Adivar, Fayetteville State University, USA
Dr. Kanchan Hans, Galgotia’s College of Engineering & Tech., Greater Noida, India 
Dr. Manoj Varshney, University of Delh, India 
Dr. Nitin Chawla, IBM, India
Dr. Pankaj Gupta, BIT, Mesra, India
Dr. Ritu Chauhan, AIB, Amity University, Noida
Dr. S. P. Singh, BIT, Mesra (Noida Campus), India
Dr. Sangeeta Mittal, JIIT, India
Dr. Saru Dhir, ASET, AUUP, India
Dr. Shubhra Gautam Sharma, NIT, Noida, India 
Dr. Vishal Kaushik, UPES, India
Mr. Shobhit Kumar Saurabh, AUUP, India
Mr. Dharmesh Rathod, AUUP, India

Event FAQs

Authors Guidelines

Full paper in IEEE format should be submitted through on-line paper submission process. Manuscripts for ICAIRD 2025 will ONLY be accepted in electronic format through online submission system. Please do not send hard copy of your paper. If you are unable to submit your contribution electronically, please contact us.

Template Download

(Click the links below to download)
Template in Microsoft Word Format

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submit your manuscript either in PDF or in Microsoft Word format.
  2. Authors should only submit originally written, unpublished work to ICAIRD2025.
  3. Submissions should strictly follow the recommended IEEE conference template.
  4. All references must follow the IEEE format of referencing
  5. To facilitate the paper’s double-blind peer review process, authors should not mention name and affiliation at the top as per template and make efforts to ensure that information about the authors identities/name/affiliation do not appear anywhere in the text-body of the paper. (for the Initial submission)
  6. Authors will be considered as mentioned in CMT.
  7. Please limit your paper within 6 pages, and the size of your PDF file less than 2MB, files larger than 2MB will not be accepted for upload.
  8. Authors wishing to submit an over-length manuscript may do so. There will be an over-length page fee of Rs. 2,000/page for Indian participant and $125 per page for foreign participant and limited to an additional 2 pages (maximum page submission is eight (8) pages). This payment is required at the time of registration.
  9. All fonts must be embedded in the file.
  10. Authors can't be added or removed at later stage.
  11. Fonts that require non-English language support are not allowed.
  12. The document should not have any password protection.
  13. Do not put your own page numbers on the manuscript.

Instruction to Authors of Accepted Papers

Presentation: Paper presentation is allowed only by the authors of the registered paper.
CAMERA READY paper must be submitted before deadline.
Copyright: Corresponding Author will receive an email from IEEE having a link to fill the Copyright Form online and it will be mandatory to fill this Online Copyright form to include the paper in conference proceedings and for possible publication in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
REGISTRATION must be completed as per date mentioned in notification email to avail early registration fee. Registration Link: GIVE LATER==============

Download the Camera Ready Format for ICAIRD2025.
Templates Download: Template in Microsoft Word Format Click Here
The paper length should not exceed six (6) pages, IEEE two (2) column format. You need to modify your paper exactly as per the format requirements specified in the Camera-Ready Format.
However, the authors can extend maximum 2 page with over length page charge, of Rs. 2,000/page for Indian participant and US $ 125/page for international participant. (Maximum page submission is eight (8) pages).

Use the IEEE PDF eXpress link as given below to check the Camera-Ready paper is IEEE compliant.
  1. Login to https://ieee-pdf-express.org/account/signup
  2. Conference id is UPDATE.
  3. Enter your email id and password.
  4. Click on "Create New Title".
  5. Enter your Paper Title.
  6. Click on "Submit File for Checking and Converting".
  7. Upload your paper (Ensure that your paper is in IEEE format before uploading).
  8. You will receive IEEE Xplore PDF compatible version on your mentioned email-id with a PID no.

Please submit the PDF of the Camera Ready Copy generated by PDF express only.

STEP 3: Please Rename your PDF as XXX_camerar.PDF where XXX is your paper ID.

STEP 4: Submit your following documents at the link
  1. IEEE PDF Compliant Camera Ready Paper (XXX_camerar.pdf)
  2. Source File (XXX_camerar.DOC or XXX_camerar.DOCX)
  3. Scanned Copy of IEEE Membership Card (If Applicable) (XXX_IEEE.pdf)
  4. Scanned Copy of Student Identity Card (Full Time, If Applicable) (XXX_student.pdf)
  5. A doc/pdf file which will include "Response to Reviewer Comments" and how the comments are addressed in the revised paper.

Document Submission Link: https://...........
In case of any query, please write at icaird2025@imsec.ac.in with Subject “Camera Ready Paper Id XXX”

Best Paper Awards

Best paper awards in following category
  1. Student Category
  2. Faculty Category
  3. Industry Expert Category


Nearby important site visit will be planned on 13th July 2025 in contributory basis. Nearby sites like Monuments of Delhi or Haridwar Pilgrimaze Sites.


  • Qutub Minar
  • Lotus Temple


  • Taj Mahal
  • Agra Fort


  • Har ki Pauri
  • Ganga Aarti

Event Location

IMS Engineering College
NH-09, Adhyatmik Nagar,
Phone: 0120-4940000
Email: icarid2025@imsec.ac.in

Registration Fee

The registration fee's last date : 30th November 2024

Register Now

Category of Delegates Registration Fee
Academician (Non-IEEE Member) INR 8000 (Indian)
Academician (IEEE Member) INR 7000 (Indian)
Industry (Non-IEEE Member) INR 9000 (Indian)
Industry (IEEE Member) INR 8000 (Indian)
Foreign (Non-IEEE Member) USD 200
Foreign (IEEE Member) USD 160
Scholars & Students (PhD / Post Doc. / UG / PG) (Non-IEEE Member) INR 6000 (Indian)
Scholars & Students (PhD / Post Doc. / UG / PG) ((IEEE Member) (20% Discount) INR 5000 (Indian)
Listeners / Delegates (without paper presentation or publication) INR 3000 (Indian)

Registration Guidelines

Once your paper is accepted the registration process begins. You must complete the following four steps:

  • Select Category of Registration Fee
  • Fill up online copyright form.
  • All the paper must adhere to IEEE double column guidelines and must be submitted as Microsoft word DOC or DOCX format. IEEE guidelines are available at Paper Submission Webpage.
  • Send scanned copy of your completed registration form, along with the scanned copy of the proof of payments to the official mail ID of the conference.

The registration fee includes Conference kit, lunches and tea/coffee. The registration fee is to be paid by account payee demand draft in favour of "IMS Engineering College" and payable at New Delhi, India.

Students have to send copy of their Institute's Id-Card along with the registration form.

Foreign delegates accompanied by their spouses shall pay an additional amount of USD250 only in addition to their registration fee. The spouses will be entitled to all conference facilities except conference kit. For Indian delegates this amount is INR 4000.

At least one author must register as delegate with full registration fee applicable as above for inclusion of paper in the proceedings. Single author with multiple papers has to register separately for each paper.


The booking of accommodation for students in Hostel will be done on First-come First serve and subject to availability. The accommodation will be arranged in the nearby Hostels/Hotels as per the availability and requirements. Group Pick up and Drop facility will be available from/to such places to/from the venue. If delegates have specific requirements, the same can be arranged on prior request.

How to reach IMSEC Campus

From Airport to Campus From Railway Station to Campus From Inter State Bus Terminal to Campus
DISTANCE 31 Kms 17 Kms 34 Kms
TAXI FARE Rs 600/-(approx) Rs 400/-(approx) Rs 450/-(approx)
AUTO FARE Rs 250/-(approx) Rs 200/-(approx)

Approximate distances

From International Airport 31 Kms
From Airport, Domestic terminal 27 km
From New Delhi Railway station 17 km
From Old Delhi Railway station 19 km
From Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway station 12 km


  • Pre-paid taxi can be hired at the airport terminals (located in the lounge).
  • Pre-paid taxi and auto-rickshaws can be hired just outside railway stations. These services are run by the Government and hence the charges are reasonable.
  • Delegates can also choose to use local buses.