IMSEC Society


Objective: To engage students who exhibit interests and talent in Photography, Filming, Designing, and Handling Digital platforms for information as well as promotional purposes.

Convener of Club: Mr. Amit Tyagi - System Admin-IT

PRESIDENT- Shoaib Alam (4th Year B.Tech-ECE- 2019-23)
VICE PRESIDENT (Planing)- Vijay Chaudhary (3rd Year B.Tech-CS- 2020-24)
VICE PRESIDENT (Execution)- Nitin Verma (2nd Year B.Tech-IT- 2021-25)

Hello Everyone,

Greetings from DRISHTI-THE CLUB,
We are in the process of forming the Photography Club and for the this session Registrations are open.
Objective: To engage students who exhibit interests and talent in Photography, Filming, Designing, and Handling Digital platforms.

Do show your interest and register yourself by clicking on the link below.

For any further contact:-
1. Shoaib Alam (3rd year ECE)- 6391396688
2. Vijay Chaudhary (2nd year CS) - 9837378035

Note: We will be delivering free workshops about Photography and blaster motivation.


Admission 2025-26