Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) involves researching, designing, developing and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems. Electronics and Communications engineers also conceptualize and oversee the manufacturing of communications and broadcast systems.This stream of engineering deals with analog transmission, basic electronics, microprocessors, solid state devices, digital & analog communication, analogintegrated circuits, microwave engineering, satellite communication, antenna and wave propagation. It also deals with the manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment.This branch of engineering also plays a vital role ensuring fastest means of communication across the world. |
The Electronics and Communication department at IMSEC was established on 2002 and since then offering BTech (4 years) degree course under AKTU, Lucknow. The department has established Electronics lab, Communication Lab, PCB & Electronic workshop, Analog Integrated Circuit lab, Digital integrated Circuit lab, Power Electronics Lab, CAD Lab and Microwave and Optical Communication Lab, Microprocessor lab, DSP lab. All labs are well equipped with all modern electronics testing, measuring instruments and software as per the course requirement.Since its inception, the department has continuously grown and taken initiatives to impart quality education and inculcate research aptitude in ECE steam students. The department is actively engaged in research activities in various areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering and associated fields. Major research areas areControl and Automation, Microelectronics and VLSI, RF and Microwaves. Signal Processing, Communications & Networks.
Dr. Pramod SinghMajor Departmental Highlights:
The companies which regularly place ECE student over the years are:
Following are the main specialization areas of our department: