IMSEC Society

Kaizen Club

To provide students a real-world business experience by involving them in management and co-curricular activities and enhance their learning by fun.

Objective of Club:
It would conduct an array of activities from Group discussions, Debates,
Presentations, Fresher and Farewell party celebrations, Sports Events,
Business Quiz, and other extra and co-curricular activities round the year.

Convener of Club: Ms. Punjika Rathi (Faculty, MBA Department)

PRESIDENT- Mr. Abhishek Mishra (MBA Batch 2020-22)
VICE PRESIDENT- Ms. Vanshika Madaan (MBA Batch 2020-22)
SECRETARY- Mr. Abhishek Rai (MBA Batch 2021-23)
TREASURER- Ms. Shefali Shreya (MBA Batch 2021-23)
MEMBERS- All MBA 1 st YEAR and 2 nd Year Students

Admission 2025-26