IMSEC Society

Alumni Talk on Higher Studies & Career Goals

Alumni Talk on Higher Studies & Career Goals
21 Mar,2021

On Sunday (21-03-21), Alumni Committee organised an Alumni Talk in virtual mode. Three alumni of IT department of 2011-2015 batch interacted with around 200 students of 3rd and 4th year students of all the branches. Alumni were Mohan Agrawal pursuing MS from University of Washington and working with MAQ software, Keshav Maheshwari worked with TCS and now pursuing MBA from University of Liverpool, UK and Vaibhav Kumar working with Dell Technologies, Noida. They shared useful insights about how to prepare for dream colleges and dream companies and enthusiastically solved the queries of all the students. Coordinator of the talk was Mr Updesh Jaiswal.

Event Gallery

Admission 2025-26