IMSEC Society

Webinar on Experience the world of coding, Public speaking, & Mixed Reality XR on 24-12-2020

Webinar on Experience the world of coding, Public speaking, & Mixed Reality XR on 24-12-2020
24 Dec,2020

An International Webinar on “Experience the world of coding, Public speaking, & Mixed Reality (XR)” was organized by the IMS Engineering College in collaboration with Princeton Hive on 24-12-2020.

The speakers included Dr. David Aderhold, Dr. Kurt Jefferson, Ms. Anu Bahri, Mr. Brian Costello, Mr.Marcos Navas, Mr. Sudhanshu, Mr. Aditya representing Princeton Hive and Dr. S.N. Rajan - (HOD IT, Officiating Director),Dr. Pankaj Agarwal (HOD-CSE), Deans & HoDs representing IMS Engineering College.


The panelists gave a riveting and impactful session on topics surrounding the world of 21st-century skills like coding, newer technologies, public speaking and virtual reality. They spoke about important skills required in today’s industry such as Leadership, Analytical thinking & Innovation, Complex problem solving, Creativity, and Active listening.


Mr. David Aderhold spoke about core vision of Princeton Hive and its global community outreach for global citizens. Mr. Marcos Navas talked about the latest technologies in the world. Ms. Anu Bahri has spoken about the importance of public speaking and why communication skill is the key to success in the 21st century. Mr. Brian discussed about the role of augmented reality and virtual reality in industry.

Dr. kurt Jefferson stressed on the importance of curiosity as a critical ingredient to future breakthroughs. Dr Jefferson spoke about the potential of collaboration of IMSEC with Princeton Hive & Spalding University, USA.


The event was a huge success with participation from more than 550 attendees including students, faculty, and experts. The experts also addressed the questions from the participants. The session ended with closing remarks from Dr. S.N. Rajan and Dr. Pankaj Agarwal, who talked about the importance of skill based learning through newer technologies of 21st-century.

Event Gallery

Admission 2025-26