IMSEC Society

Workshop on Program to fulfill basic human aspirations organized Value Education team-IMSEC Ghaziabad

Workshop on Program to fulfill basic human aspirations organized Value Education team-IMSEC Ghaziabad
12 Mar,2022

A workshop on “Program to fulfill basic human aspirations” has been organized on 12.03.22 from 10:00 AM at the seminar hall A- Block. Value Education team of IMS Engineering College organized this program. Objective of this workshop was to create harmony and positivity among faculty members. In this workshop method of breathing, values and skills, harmony between self and body and other related issue were discussed. Faculty members of IMSEC enthusiastically participated and discussed major value education related issues in the workshop. Value education team members Mr. Atul Kumar, Dr. Santosh K. Mishra, Ms. Chandra Pushpanjali Patel and Ms. Mayurika Saxena emphasized that such workshop will be organized regularly in the institute for creating better teaching learning environment.

Event Gallery

Admission 2025-26