IMSEC Society

Notice For Branch Change

23 Sep , 2021 | College-News

Ref: IMSEC/RO/2021


All the students of B.Tech. IInd Year/ III Semester (Batch 2020) only are hereby informed that who wish to apply for Branch Change in IInd year are required to check their eligibility criteria and apply accordingly. The Criteria as per University norms are as under:

1)       Change of branch may be allowed only against the vacant seats in the third semester as the university regulation as given.

2)       Maximum number of students permitted to change the branch shall be 25% of the students enrolled (newly admitted and re-admitted) in first year in the respective branch(s) subject to the strength of the class not decreasing below 75% of intake approved by AICTE.  After branch change the intake must not be more than approved AICTE intake.

3)      Student with minimum 6.0 CGPA or higher marks in the first year without Carry Over Papers and has passed all the subjects in single attempt shall be eligible for branch change. Readmitted/Ex-student/Lateral Entry/Kashmiri Migrants/PMSSS students shall not be eligible for branch change.

4)      Students of B.Tech Biotechnology shall not be eligible for branch change.

5)      Fee Waiver category students shall be eligible for branch change only against the approved intake for fee waiver in a particular branch. 

6)      In case a student has applied for Re-Evaluation/Scrutiny of his/her marks of first or second semester and the result has not been declared till the time of change of branch, then such student shall not be entitled for change of branch on the basis of his/her subsequently revised result.

7)      Branch change in second year shall be strictly in accordance with merit list.

Note:  According the above norms no. 2),  Information Technology, Electrical & Electronics Engg, Electronics & Communication Engg and Mechanical Engineering branch students are not eligible for branch change. Computer Science & Engineering and Computer Science branch students can only apply for branch change.

The Students applying for branch change should not have any due fee (session 2020-21) in first year and should have done his/her registration in second year session 2021-22.

Students are advised to download the branch change form attached with this notice.  Branch change form is also available on the college website.

Eligible students are required to apply through their HOD’s along with the branch change form, copy of 1st year result and the fee receipt of second year. The last date to submit the Branch Change form in the Registrar Office is 25th September 2021 no forms will be accepted thereafter.


 Copy to: Director/HOD’s
 All Notice Board (Website Notice Board)

Notice For Branch Change

Admission 2025-26