IMSEC Society

Blockchain club organized Algorithm Areana

Blockchain club organized Algorithm Areana

The main objective of the event held on Dec. 04, 2023 was to promote the concept of AI technology among the students of 2nd year and 3rd year studying in IMS Engineering College

The main objective of the event held on Dec. 04, 2023 was to promote the concept of AI technology among the students of 2nd year and 3rd year studying in IMS Engineering College.The event facilitated discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking among students interested in this field.The ALGORITHM AREANA was organized by Blockchain Club of CSE department, IMS Engineering College for the student of 2nd and 3rd year. The event was held in Lab 9, C block from 2:40 PM to 4:40 PM. The event was conducted in two rounds.
Round 1: Participants were asked to build an AI model that will predict diabetes on the basis of age, sex, glucose level etc.
Round 2: This was interview round. Several questions about the predicting system were asked by the qualifiers of Round 1.40 students participated and the winner and runner of the two rounds were Pratish Yadav (2nd Year) and Chakit Sharma (2nd Year) respectively.The event was coordinated by the faculty coordinator (Dr. Ramesh Kumar Verma, AP, CSE department) and core members (Abhishek Malhotra, 2CSE2; Aditya Pratap Singh, 2CSE3; Mauli Dubey, 2CSE1; Akhil Sharma, 3CSE2; Akshat Raj, 3CSE2 and Ayush Rawat, 3CSE2) of the club.

Event Gallery

Admission 2025-26