IMSEC Society

webinar on Career in Entrepreneurship Development

webinar on Career in Entrepreneurship Development

A webinar on Career in Entrepreneurship Development was conducted successfully on 25thMay 2021 for B. Tech students to nurtureignited minds and develop self-reliant skills. The webinar was conducted in collaborationwith Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India. Eminent speaker was Dr. Amit KumarDwivedi,Associate Professor and In-Charge, Dept. of Policy Advocacy, KnowledgeResearch, EDII-Ahmedabad threw light on various aspects of Entrepreneurship andemphasized on need of having more youth driven enterprises in our country. He discussedvarious successful examples of start-ups funded by EDII and other Government funds. Mr.Vishal Srivastava, Project Officer, EDII-Lucknow helped in conduction of the program. TheBusiness Incubation Cell of IMSEC coordinated with EDII for smooth execution of theprogram. There were more than 180 students and 10 faculty members were present in

Event Gallery

Admission 2025-26