IMSEC Society

Centre of Excellence

Texas Instruments Embedded System

With the aim of providing research and development facilities to the faculty and students as well as to encourage generation of new ideas, a centre of excellence with Texas Instruments of USA was established in 2016. This centre has been equipped with advanced Microcontrollers such as MSP 430 G2553, MSP 430 F5529, TIVA, EZ430, CC3200 wireless Internet of things (IOT), EZ 430 Solar harvesting launch pads etc to provide industrial training so that student can learn and develop projects on Embedded Systems. A successful summer training program has been conducted by Department of ECE . After completing the summer training program successfully student has developed two projects that is IOT based home automation and automatic attendance monitoring system. Texas instruments centre of excellence is very helpful for the Electronics and Communication engineering students which provide platform for the student to develop and learn new projects as per the industrial requirements.

Admission 2025-26