Research & Development


Department of Information Technology is actively involved in diverse areas of research and enables students to carry out entrepreneurial activities based on the innovative and research oriented ideas. Department entered into the area of active research through projects sponsored from department of MSME way back in 2014. The research and consultancy activities are actively taken up by the faculty members of the department and have been gaining momentum in the recent past. Currently there is more thrust on inter disciplinary research activities.

The thrust areas of research activities are:

  • IoT
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Image Processing
  • GIS
  • Big Data

Live Projects Developed & Commercialization

Project Name Open IoT Connector
Funding Agency Ministry of MSME, GOI
Funded Amount 6.25 Lacks
Year 2015
Faculty Guide Mr. Updesh Jaiswal

Open IoT Connector is the project that was developed to make generic modules in an Open Source ERP system so that they can support any sensors connected to it. The initial aim is to capture the data for Manufacturing and Agriculture companies and then moving on to Health Care and later on to Transport.

We have been able to develop the modules on Odoo (earlier known as OpenERP) and Tryton and able to integrate them, using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B as Gateway, with a DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor. Next it included FitBit Wrist Band for Pulse Rate and Heart Rate Monitoring.

This helped in automating the Manufacturing, improve accuracy in reporting and then helping in better decision making. In Health care industry, the main aim is to promote the better monitoring the health of patients and get alerts in case of emergencies.

A Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with DHT 11.

Funding Agency Ministry of MSME, GOI
Funded Amount 6.25 Lacks
Year 2016
Faculty Guide Mr. Deepak Vishwakarma

“SELF POWERED SMART DUSTBIN BASED ON GPRS and CLOUD CONNECTIVITY” Fulfilling the mission Of “Swach Bharat Abhiyaan” and concept of “FUTURE SMART CITY”

Technology/innovation Used in the Proposed Project

This project comes under the IoT (Internet Of things) category which is sub domain of Embedded System. It’s new concept and methodology, where machine talks to machine i.e smart sensors are connected to devices and with the help of Internet technology one device can communicate to other device. In today’s world, people so far are using Internet only for browsing purpose to explore the information and knowledge with the help website and portal, but now Internet is being used for enabling specific hardware system like home appliances/streetlight etc. As far as Application area is concerned this project and technology can be used in Proposed smart cities.

Novelty of Approach and End Usage- potential area of application in industry and market

After doing extensive market research and survey, we found huge scope of this product in coming days and specially this project can become the part of “SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN”and “FUTURE SMART CITY” .So there is not any doubt for getting popular in the market once this would be launched in the market timely. There are the following people who could be the buyer of this product. i) Municipality ii) Schools iii)Hospitals iv)Apartments v)Mall/Cinema Hall and also it could become a part of FUTURE SMART CITY which has been proposed by Government recently.

Features of the product:

  • Increase Collection Efficiency through Route Optimization
  • Receive automatically generated schedules and optimized routes, Smart Plans, which take into account an extensive set of parameters including future fill-level projections, truck availability, traffic information, road restrictions, container and content types the vehicle can collect.
  • Access iSmartBin to view and manage sites with any cellular enabled tablet (iOS, Android). Guide your drivers along optimal routes using our Android app that features turn-by-turn navigation and incident reporting.
  • View all your information 24/7 via our easy-to-use cloud-based services both from the back office as well as from any mobile location. iSmartBin is a flexible platform to suit your needs and enables management of all site configuration such as creating new sites, installing new devices and registering movement of containers between sites.
  • Improve Customer Service by Providing Better Data
  • Get access to a rich historic backlog of all the analysis results, trends and projections regarding your containers such as fill-up trends, collections, partial collections, alerts and reports.
  • Streamline Operations with Fill-Level Monitoring
  • Monitor container fill-levels, forecasted fill-up dates and vehicle tracking, all beautifully displayed on our interactive map. Also available are alerts for conditions such as container motion, partial collections and temperature extremes. These are sent as both e-mail and SMS immediately upon detection.
  • Receive alerts and detailed reports regarding completed collections, upcoming collections, alerts and sudden changes in container fill-levels. Reports are generated automatically and sent out daily according to user preferences.

Effective usage of this product will lead to immense cost saving in terms of enhanced public sanitation garbage disposal system, reduced spending on public healthcare.

Funding Agency Ministry of MSME, GOI
Funded Amount 6.25 Lacks
Year 2016
Faculty Guide Dr S N Rajan

Devices bring the power of cloud connected internet services to the daily lives of people. It is a multi-utility smart phone companion device. It has 14 exciting features like, Bluetooth track & trace, Power-bank, OTG, memory, presentation and music remote, smart-home remote control, selfie remote and crowd GPS functionalities and internet connected services in one single device. It also helps in finding and locating the lost items easily.

Conference & Research Papers by Students & Faculty Members

Information Technology Department actively promotes publication by students and faculty members in various renowned journals as well as participation in national & international conferences.

Virtual National Conference on Recent Advancements in IT & Computing( NCRAITC-2020) : Organized on 20 June 2020, 31 research papers of students were presented. Key note speaker of the conference was Mr Sherish Pandey, Asia Pacific Head, Red Hat, Guest speaker was Dr Ashish Seth, Tashkand University, Russia, Session Chairs of the conference was Dr Koj Simboy , HOD CSE Department, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Dr Gurfan Ahmad, HOD CSE, BSAR Institute of Science & Technology, Chennay, Dr Deepak Gupta, Asstt Prof, Arunachal Pradesh, Dr Arun Yadav, Asstt Professor, NIT Hamirpur.

IT Final year student Prashant Brahmbhatt participation in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & speech Technology, at Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University, New Delhi on 14-15 November 2019.

Participation in International Conference COLLNET-2009 by Dr S N Rajan, at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

Statistics of Publications by IT Students & Faculty Members

Academic Year No of Publications
2017-18 24
2018-19 38
2019-20 42

Admission 2025-26